Author: Motivuu Team

Motivuu Team is the group of writers behind the popular self-development website, Led by the website's founder, Tom, the team specializes in creating articles that focus on self-improvement, business and finance, and health and fitness.

What drives you to do the things that you do? What pushes you to accomplish the things that you have accomplished? The simplest answer would be for personal gain, but the answer is much more complex. There are numerous ways to view the concept of motivation. A key ability of those successful individuals we idolise is that they understand how to motivate themselves to complete the task at hand. The skill of being able to start and complete a tasks is what maximises their possibility of success. But, what type of motivation is most vital to success? It is motivation…

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Failure is often viewed as something negative, a setback or disappointment that we try to avoid at all costs. However, failure can be a powerful teacher, offering valuable insights and lessons that can shape our personal and professional growth. In this article, we will explore three essential lessons we can all learn from failure and how embracing failure can lead to greater success. What Can We Learn From Failure? Lesson 1: Resilience – Bouncing Back Stronger. Resilience is your superpower. Every setback is a chance to flex your resilience muscle and come back even stronger. Cultivating resilience involves developing coping…

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Did you know that more than 57% of Americans hit their snooze button? That adds up to a whopping 3 ½ months of our lives just snoozing away! Why the hell would we waste time snoozing when ultimately the intention is to actually get up and get stuffy done. Is it down to a lack of discipline, motivation, commitment, or just out of sheer laziness? Well, it actually doesn’t matter. The fact is, you obviously cannot be as productive as you desire if you’re constantly getting out of bed late! The not so obvious part is how you can drag…

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Fear, huh? It’s one of those feelings that can mess with your head. It’s like this built-in alarm system, trying to keep us safe from harm. But here’s the thing: sometimes, fear gets a bit too overprotective. It starts making us doubt ourselves and holds us back from chasing our dreams. In this article, we’re gonna break down fear and this sneaky thing called F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real). We’ll figure out how they mess with our lives and, most importantly, how to kick them to the curb. So, buckle up, folks. It’s time to conquer those inner demons and…

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Ever heard the saying, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”? Turns out, there’s a lot of truth to it. The people in your circle with have a profound impact on your thoughts, actions, and overall life trajectory. In this article, we’ll explore why it’s crucial to choose your circle wisely and how the company you keep can either empower or hinder your personal growth and success. So firstly, what is the importance of selecting your circle wisely? 5 Reasons You Need to Carefully Pick Your Circle. Positive Vibes Only: Surrounding yourself with…

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Did you know that the sun holds a secret power that can profoundly impact your life? It’s more than just a radiant ball of light in the sky. Adequate exposure to sunlight can have transformative effects on your physical and mental well-being. In this article, we will explore the science behind the sun’s secret power and unveil the numerous benefits it brings. From mood enhancement and improved sleep to strengthened bones and a fortified immune system, sunlight has the potential to revolutionize your life. 5 Health Benefits from Adequate Sunlight Exposure: The Mood-Boosting Magic of Sunlight: Have you ever noticed…

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“Mamba mentality is more of an approach than anything else. It’s about attacking what’s in front of you with passion and purpose, without fear and doubt and without an ounce of quit. No matter what it is, good/bad; success/failure that’s your approach. That’s what it means to have mamba mentality.” – Kobe Bryant What is the Mamba Mentality? Kobe Bryant. One of the greatest athletes of all time, period. An 18-time NBA All-Star with 5 NBA championships, 2 NBA Finals MVP awards, two Olympic gold medals, and an NBA regular season MVP award. He was undoubtedly one of the most…

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In the competitive world of sports, athletes often push themselves to the limit in pursuit of success, resulting in burnout. However, this relentless pursuit can sometimes lead to burnout, a state of physical and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. Recognizing the signs of burnout is crucial for athletes to prioritize their well-being and performance. In this article, we’ll explore the five key indicators that athletes should be mindful of to prevent burnout and maintain their peak performance levels. Whether you’re a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, understanding these signs can help you navigate the challenges of training and…

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Kobe Bryant, the late basketball legend, left an indelible mark on the world of basketball through his unparalleled talent, unwavering work ethic, and relentless pursuit of greatness. Beyond his on-court achievements, Kobe’s impact extended far beyond the confines of the basketball court, touching the lives of players, coaches, and fans alike. Even in his absence, the Mamba Mentality continues to inspire and motivate individuals from all walks of life. In this article, we delve into five compelling stories that highlight Kobe Bryant’s motivational influence on NBA players and coaches. These anecdotes not only showcase Kobe’s remarkable work ethic but also…

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